Sunday, March 17, 2013

John 18:1-14

Judas brought a detachment {a portion of the 600 soldiers in a legion} of armed Roman soldiers and representatives from the Pharisees and chief priests. All carrying weapons, torches and lanterns. An impressive and forceful sight in the night. Judas approaches Jesus with a customary greeting kiss. He thus identified Jesus to the soldiers. Jesus asks, "Who is it you want?" Their answer: "Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus: "I am he." Now here is the strange part of the story! When Jesus identifies himself, the arresting gang... drew back and fell to the ground." ! They understood they were in the presence of a force far greater then themselves. There is no doubt who is in charge of these hours! Jesus knew his destiny. He knew his enemy. And he walks through these next hours fully in control.

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