Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Letting go ...

Mid summer I purchased a pot of blooming zinnias. The ongoing pink pedals lasted a good three months, but lately the 28" stems had given in to the weight of the blooms and pounding wet weather. It was time to prune and pull.  As I was tending to the depleted plant, I cut off the last small blooms and put them in water to celebrate the plant's productive season.

Sometimes there are habits, customs, Church programs and the like, that flourish for a season and even though there is a wee bit of life left in them, the gardener knows it is time to celebrate the end and move on ... a healthy plant that needs to bloom now sits in the zinnia's spot in the sun.

Ponder this: Is there anything in our lives that needs to end,  so that something else can grow?

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