Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
There are over 2,500 different palm tree species in the world.
Who knew God was so very creative! Infact today at our 6:00pm worship service, I am talking about his ability to recreate!
Who knew God was so very creative! Infact today at our 6:00pm worship service, I am talking about his ability to recreate!
Can you guess who is in this picture? And who is the cubby checked young boy? My guess this photo was taken about 1976-1978. {Sorry this post is so late. I had trouble accessing my blog late last night.}
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A simple Morning Glory bloom is beautiful for two reasons: 1. God made it and 2. God made us with the capacity to see beauty. Today while swimming in the apartment complex pool, I struck up a conversation with a person who was questioning whether God loved them. And then they answered their own question with, "But I am a good person therefore God must love me." I pointed out God's love doesn't depend on how good we are. If that was the case few of us would be worthy.
In fact God's love for us depends on his character not ours. God is love. Our beauty as humans comes from who created us ! We are loved because at the very core of God's being is love! Lets use our God given gift of seeing the beauty in God's creation and in the people around us.
In fact God's love for us depends on his character not ours. God is love. Our beauty as humans comes from who created us ! We are loved because at the very core of God's being is love! Lets use our God given gift of seeing the beauty in God's creation and in the people around us.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
This is just a snapshot I took while waiting for a red light. But for some reason it really said volumes! Look how these three Palm trees made room for each other to expand at the top...each reaching for the sun and giving expression to their separateness... Yet when your eye travels to the base of these palms, the trees all soak in water and nutrients from the same small patch of soil.
The Church when it works the best, draws from one source for life and strengthen - Jesus Christ alone. But there is room for each of us to grow and mature in different directions with perhaps differing ideas... just a random thought from a roaming retired reverend.
Monday, September 24, 2012
It is hard to believe, but on top of this huge crumbling rock formation, is a town of Amerian Indians! A good friend, Barb O. drove me to this exceptional place in New Mexico! And yes, we traveled to the top! What a wonderful day exploring in the USA.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Here is the ancient theatre at Ephesus in present day Turkey. It was here where Paul contented with those who opposed Christianity and here were many came to believe in Christ as Lord and Savior.
Sunday, we continue to explore the meaning of God's Word to not only ancient Ephesus but to today in the Church.
I took this picture in 2002.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Late summer tomatoes ...yummy... I am sure missing my garden and its veggies.
Got to find a Florida Farmer's Market!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Hey, doesn't this look like a little village of gnomes nestled into the edge of a lake? Well it is a photo by the lake...but cypress roots growing in the water.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
New Stats
Here are the month's
viewers and their location.. Again thank you all for following ...
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United Kingdom
The otherside of the city
Homelessness is a major problem in downtown Orlando. There are several agencies and churches that attempt to care for these needs. Our own Dawn N. is very active in one such venture called Compassion Corner. Another member, Londra M. is a part of the Christian Service Center. It is not uncommon for a homeless person to attend our worship services or stop in to one of our functions. Some Presbyterians make up bag lunches to hand out to homeless persons they encounter on their way to their workplaces.
Pray for the needs of those who struggle with life. Thank God for your many blessings and use them to serve others.
Monday, September 17, 2012
HEY FRIENDS, Ron S. posted the following description of yesterday's bird photo: The Green Heron (Butorides virescens) is a small heron of North and Central America. It was long considered conspecific with its sister species the Striated Heron (Butorides striata), and together they were called "Green-backed Heron". Birds of the nominate subspecies (no matter which taxonomic arrangement is preferred) are extremely rare vagrants to western Europe; individuals from the Pacific coast of North America may similarly stray as far as Hawaii
Thanks, Ron!
Today's photo is again from Vero Beach ... almost all the east coast of Florida is feeling the effects of hurricanes out in the Atlantic... waves and riptides plague the coast line.
If storms can have such a powerful effect on nature, how are our lives effecting those around us? Do people want to get out of our way, because of our destructive behavior? Or are people's lives improved just by knowing us?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The reflection is almost as beautiful as the real thing. I wonder what people see reflected off of us? Do they see anything similar to the wonder and majesty of our Creator?
Photo taken on the Sebastion River near Vero Beach, FL
Friday, September 14, 2012
We were looking for alligators, when these "lawn ornaments" came into view as they grazed in a yard.
The Sandhill Crane is a tall gray bird of open grasslands, meadows, and wetlands. It congregates in huge numbers in migration.This crane frequently gives a loud trumpeting call that suggests a French-style "r" rolled in the throat, and they can be heard from a long distance. Mated pairs of cranes engage in "unison calling." The cranes stand close together, calling in a synchronized and complex duet. The female makes two calls for every single call of the male.
The sandhill crane's large wingspan, typically 1.65 to 2.1 m (5.4 to 6.9 ft), makes this a very skilled soaring bird similar in style to hawks and eagles. Utilizing thermals to obtain lift, they can stay aloft for many hours, requiring only occasional flapping of their wings and consequently expending little energy. With migratory flocks containing hundreds of birds, they can create clear outlines of the normally invisible rising columns of air (thermals) that they ride.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Here is another photo from the river boat jungle cruise out of Sebastian, Florida. It is an Osprey... kin to the bald eagle but smaller and more plentiful. He really looks like he owns the tree! Do you see the fish he has caught?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Can you find the bird in the picture? It is known as a "snake bird. Found it on the river cruise yesterday.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Some more about Manatees... they have paddle like flippers and large tails... their large upper lip is used for gathering food and social interaction... these pictures show a possible unique kind of interaction:-) Sea Cows only mate about every two years, so this sighting was all the more exceptional !!!
Gee I wonder what this joyous flip of the tail means!!!!! Isn't this life that God has given us, grand!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Along with new ministry colleagues, I took a three hour river cruise {not Gilligan's Island}.The highlight of the journey came at the end. There right in front of us were 7-12 Manatees, or Sea Cows, all swimming together. These mammals come up for air at least every 20 minutes. The measure 9-13 feet long and can weigh up to 1300 pounds. In Florida there life span is about 60 years. They are mostly solitary animals so it was most unusal to see this many at one time. Find the nose of this manatee and follow it to the right. And there are at least three other noses popping up in this picture. God's creation is indeed diverse!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
I am spending a few days at Vero Beach on a Presbytery Retreat and Meeting. It is good meeting some of my new colleagues in ministry here in Central Florida Presbytery. Before the retreat began, I sneaked a look at the ocean and caught this young man and his boggle board at play.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Mystery in the Woods
I found these pieces of an old car in the Minnesota woods. Any guesses as to the make and model? It is interesting that the chrome trunk lock and maybe hood ornament are not rusted like the rest of the car. Can you see a face in the top photo?
Sorry about no new picture yesterday. Blogspot won't load any pictures last night:-(
I wonder when I am very old and rusted, will there be any unrusted indications about my make and model as a Christian?
Sorry about no new picture yesterday. Blogspot won't load any pictures last night:-(
I wonder when I am very old and rusted, will there be any unrusted indications about my make and model as a Christian?
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Raindrops keep falling on my stairs! Well not my stairs but the stairs outside my apartment. The "Florida afternoon shower" hit today while I dashed from car to home. The geography of Florida opens it to wind and storms from Gulf to Ocean pushing back and forth. Oh that each of us would be so open to the Holy Spirit blowing through us! God brings refreshment and healing with each divine breeze.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Milton Heiberg
I personally met this great photographer today! Check out his website:
Milton Heiberg’s life is similar to the history of photography. At age eight he was given a Brownie Target camera and started making black and white prints in the basement of his home in Brooklyn, NY, where he was born and raised. He grew up with a camera in his hand. It was usually, but not limited to, 35mm equipment outdoors, and everything else up to an 8x10 view camera in his Manhattan studio where he spent a good part of his adult life. Now, as a complete convert to digital photography and Photoshop, he has covered most of the revolutionary changes in the world of photography.
As a field photographer, Milton was appointed Chief Photographer for several archaeological expeditions in Israel (1972–1979) under the direction of Duke University, University of Texas at Austin, and The Smithsonian Institute. He also created a photographic series on the Methods of Archaeological Excavation for the Archaeological Institute of America. He was a charter member of the International Center of Photography, New York City. He won first prize and best of show in McGraw-Hill’s Annual Art Exhibition.
Milton has written seven books and numerous articles on photography. The most recent is The Essentials of Nature Photography, Tern Book Company—a complete handbook of nature photography. He is a frequent presenter and lecturer on wildlife photography, special effects, and general photography. Tens of thousands of his images have been published worldwide.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Last week's viewers
United States
United Kingdom
Today the Orlando Presbyterian Board of Deacons gathered and adopted the following Vision Statement:
"We serve to glorify God
by caring for others
with joy and diligence."
Indeed these great women are off to a grace filled start!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Today I stopped at a train track on Colonial Drive and watched the Amtrak buzz by... pulled out the point and shoot camera and there they were! Two guys riding in an open car... train employees or old fashioned hobos?
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Tonight a wonderful time worshiping with Orlando Presbyterian Church and I saw a preview of our new website...WOW ...can't wait to see it launched on the web!
For today's picture I went back a few years to a trip I took with good friend, Ellie Lytle. We visited with her family on St Croix. This was our view each day... not bad!
To all my viewers around the world - May God put the wind in your sail and direct your way!
For today's picture I went back a few years to a trip I took with good friend, Ellie Lytle. We visited with her family on St Croix. This was our view each day... not bad!
To all my viewers around the world - May God put the wind in your sail and direct your way!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Today is my Luke's 11th birthday..we celebrated by eating at the "Four Rivers" Rib place and then an yogurt bar. Here is the Birthday boy and his family! Note what is missing from the picture... yes Jake's front teeth!
Yes, I love these people:-)
Yes, I love these people:-)
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