Saturday, June 30, 2012
sorry no new picture today... camera packed in U-Haul on route to Florida with friend Rich Gardner...and who knows where my computer is?! It does not seem real yet that i have moved to Florida! maybe after my stuff gets moved into the apartment... more tommorrow!
Friday, June 29, 2012
My last night in Strabane... doesn't seem real that I am moving away...but then I think of those three sweet grandkids waiting for me in Florida!
...And the wonderful people of the newly named Orlando Presbyterian Church... and the grand adventure God has in store for us. Yes, I am headed to Florida tomorrow!
...And the wonderful people of the newly named Orlando Presbyterian Church... and the grand adventure God has in store for us. Yes, I am headed to Florida tomorrow!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Any guess what these resourceful women
are doing?
Mary Ann Chadwick, my hairdresser, her neice and a customer were helping to unlock my car - after I locked the keys in it! Yes, that is a plant pole being stuck through my partially opened window... they leveraged it to unlock the door!
My heros for the day!!!
How will you help out someone today?
are doing?
Mary Ann Chadwick, my hairdresser, her neice and a customer were helping to unlock my car - after I locked the keys in it! Yes, that is a plant pole being stuck through my partially opened window... they leveraged it to unlock the door!
My heros for the day!!!
How will you help out someone today?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Yes your first name must be "Linda" in order to join this Dinner Club! About 4 years ago we began with five "Lindas" and now we average 10-15 at each gathering. Every 3-4 months the Lindas sit down for a lovely dinner and conversation. New Lindas are always joining ... this was my last time with these wonderful women, but the group will continue on with ongoing and new leadership.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Here is a change in pace...
no birds or horses or landscapes...just Lina Hixson and her "people"! Which includes Shawna Hixson {second from the right} who is looking for a teaching position after finishing Penn State with honors!
...Just saying :-)
Monday, June 25, 2012
Haley Goodwill puts "Leo" through his paces in the Mitchell's indoor arena. Take note how she moves him into the corner... look at his right back leg crossing over the left to ensure he bends into the curve. You can't see it, but Haley is working hard to train her mount. She is giving signals with her back, legs and hands...when needed her spurs and hand whip... all quiet yet powerful directions.
Makes me ponder well am I taking quiet / powerful directions from God? Am I moving into the corners or just taking short cuts?
Sunday, June 24, 2012
"Find your own breakfast!"
At the Mitchells' Hickory Horse Farm... retired brood mare having her morning breakfast along with her son... and professional horse woman and field "waitress", Haley Goodwill
Saturday, June 23, 2012
John 19:38-42
What were they thinking? Hiding there faith in Jesus for so many months... afraid of the fall out if certain people found out they were "closet" disciples. Now in this public act they risked everything. Watch them do what is necessary...what they know was their role to play. Joseph goes to Pilate and asks for the body. Nicodemus not only followed Joseph, he also brought what was necessary for burial, 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes, along with the strips of linen. While most of the "friends" of Jesus were in hiding, these two men stepped up to care for the body of Jesus.
Can you find the cat in this picture?
Haley Goodwill and "Gilbert" heading into the barn at Joyce & Jim Mitchell's farm.
Haley Goodwill and "Gilbert" heading into the barn at Joyce & Jim Mitchell's farm.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Yesterday it was visiting my favorite pizza place, today it was one of my favorite places for "lunnar"... that's a meal around 2-3pm! Here are afternoon waitresses at Shelley's Pike Inn in Houston, PA Over the years these gals have become my friends.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Headed out to my favorite Pizza shop in Canonsburg. Introduced myself as the Roaming Retired Rev, and asked if I could take some photos of the pizza making process. After drooling over their pizza, I confessed my devotion to Vocelli pizza pie and I was moving out of the area.
Seckin Ablak, owner and today the "chief cook", welcomed me warmly and began to exhibit his art. He wanted to know my favorite toppings, because we was giving me this free pie as a "going away" gift!
Seckin Ablak, owner and today the "chief cook", welcomed me warmly and began to exhibit his art. He wanted to know my favorite toppings, because we was giving me this free pie as a "going away" gift!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
"Hey Louie, shut your mouth when you eat!"
Carp swimming in Raystown Lake waiting for the hand out....
Christ has certainly taken the brakes off, when it comes to getting me to Florida. My house sold in less then a week, in fact I signed the contract minutes before the for sale sign was in the front yard! I am 75% packed, thanks to good friends. The "moving" auction is this Monday night at 5:00pm at my house... to sell all the stuff I will not be taking into a small apartment.
I love and feel so loved by the Thomas Faith Family. And I feel like I am walking into a new Faith Family that already flows mutually with love. God could not be any more kind or generous to me.
Thanks be to Jesus Christ!
P.S. I am taking Thursday off from packing in order to go on a photo trip... I wonder what I will be posting tomorrow?
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Another day of packing, running erands and good friends and neighbors lending a hand.... and encouraging phone calls and emails from new friends at the Orlando Presbyterian Church in Florida...
I love this shot of the moon taken last year outside on my deck...
"Midnight in Strabane"... woundn't it be great to have humans
living on the stand outside at night and wave to
I love this shot of the moon taken last year outside on my deck...
"Midnight in Strabane"... woundn't it be great to have humans
living on the stand outside at night and wave to
Monday, June 18, 2012
It is hard to say goodbye to friends who have walked with you for sixteen years... well that is goodbye to living in the same community... but not saying goodbye to friendship.
Somehow I know it is the right time to pull up stakes here and plant them in a new place... the Holy Spirit has a way of preparing you for new seasons in your life... and providing the strength and energy to make the transition. Even as my friendships here grow in different ways, I look forward with joy to the new friendships I am forming in my new ministry setting - with the people of the new/old Orlando Presbyterian Church.
May my new friends and old friends pray for each other and also the "roaming retired rev"... { where did I pack the keys to my portable safe?...will I really need this winter sweater in Florida?}
Somehow I know it is the right time to pull up stakes here and plant them in a new place... the Holy Spirit has a way of preparing you for new seasons in your life... and providing the strength and energy to make the transition. Even as my friendships here grow in different ways, I look forward with joy to the new friendships I am forming in my new ministry setting - with the people of the new/old Orlando Presbyterian Church.
May my new friends and old friends pray for each other and also the "roaming retired rev"... { where did I pack the keys to my portable safe?...will I really need this winter sweater in Florida?}
Roaming with the Goats
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. At home packing and arranging for my move to Florida. The Observer Reporter newspaper has agreed to continue our relationship with my blog attached to the Online O.R. Thank You O. R.!
Until I get back to some "normal" to my schedule, I will be sharing photos from previous "roaming".
By the way, my last post's answer is "Bee Hives"... !
This was taken in SD just outside Mt Rushmore park. Friendly guy by side of road.
Until I get back to some "normal" to my schedule, I will be sharing photos from previous "roaming".
By the way, my last post's answer is "Bee Hives"... !
This was taken in SD just outside Mt Rushmore park. Friendly guy by side of road.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
I was stuck in traffic on I-95
when this truck pulled next to me.
What's in the boxes?
Clue: I quickly put my windows up!
By the way if you didn't guess yesterday's picture - a wind surfer's kite!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Attempting to allow my soul catch up to my body!
Arrived back in Memphis last night.
Resting and regrouping today
in order to start the trip home tomorrow.
Then the whirlwind of
packing and moving begins.
Lord, keep us all focused on the important things of life- faith and family.
Give us the grace to shed off distractions and the wisdom to handle all the other stuff!
Arrived back in Memphis last night.
Resting and regrouping today
in order to start the trip home tomorrow.
Then the whirlwind of
packing and moving begins.
Lord, keep us all focused on the important things of life- faith and family.
Give us the grace to shed off distractions and the wisdom to handle all the other stuff!
Wanted to catch a picture of seals by the shore...
this was as close as I got!
Taken at dog park in Edmonds, WA
this was as close as I got!
Taken at dog park in Edmonds, WA
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
There is always an ebb and flow to life... in nature and in our personnal lives.... a coming in and a going out... the struggle is to remain faithful and steady in the "meantime".... have a firm grasp of who you are and who is God... Then trust Christ to steer you through to the otherside.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
yesterday's blog post I asked you to guess the location of my “Steeler Towels”
picture. My sister guessed the Pittsburg airport. WRONG GUESS.... “Bed Bath and
Beyond” in West Chester, PA about 20-30 miles from Philadelphia, PA! There was an equal amount of Steeler and
Eagles merchandise on display. GO STEELER NATION!
Wanted to keep you updated on Christ’s latest direction for my life. Now mind you, my plan was to-
Go on this vacation
Work on my Observer Reporter blog
Come home to a leisurely summer of golf, swimming
and gardening
And come Fall – look for a job
Here is God’s Plan:
Enjoy this vacation {currently in Seattle}
Have fun with the Blog
Arrive home June 15th
Get my house ready for sale and pack to leave by
June 30th
Start a new full time job as Interim Pastor to
the Orlando Presbyterian Church in Florida on July 1st!
I am excited about the people I will be working with and the
ministry opportunity to help about 50 people, who want to remain loyal to PCUSA
and start over to form a new congregation. Their former church was First
Presbyterian Church in downtown Orlando, FL, who voted to leave the PCUSA denomination.
These folks are determined to look forward to what Jesus has in store for them,
rather than backward at the loss and anger over the separation conflict.
There of course, is sadness as I leave Southwestern PA… but I
am not saying goodbye to friends… friendship spans time and place!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Today is a catch up day and getting ready to fly tomorrow to Seattle for some anticpated nature photos. More posts coming, so keep checking in daily.
The Lord is our strengthen and our joy!
The Lord is our strengthen and our joy!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Carrie Aversa, her daughter and her Mother Marilyn Serum by one of the many fireplaces.
It is Saturday night and I have landed in Memphis! Ellie is fixing us dinner. Looking forward to reconnecting with other friends in Memphis and some down time before the trip to Seattle. More later....
My last Easter sermon at Thomas Presbyterian Church was based on Psalm 18, "The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and Redeemer." While preparing the sermon, my mind returned to a special rock of my childhood. I determined that after retirement I would search for that same rock.
Over fifty years ago, as a ten year old, I organized the four children who lived on my street, into the "Westtown Gang". We roamed my Dad's 150 acre dairy farm creating our own make-believe fun. One of our "meeting places" was a large rock in the middle of our cow pasture. Perhaps that was the beginning of my lifelong love for rocks.
Now what were the chances that I would find a large boulder in a large field that was now overrun with houses? Well it took me an hour, driving through endless side streets to locate the possible spot. Once I narrowed the search to one street, I knocked on a random door in the middle of the day...tried to look "non-threatening" as I waited to tell a stranger my story. Joe and Laura Mauro not only listened to my story but welcomed me into their backyard. I could not believe the sight...there it was.. complete with the unusual small hole. Just as we had done 50 plus years ago, their children often played on the "Westtown Gang's" rock.
Over fifty years ago, as a ten year old, I organized the four children who lived on my street, into the "Westtown Gang". We roamed my Dad's 150 acre dairy farm creating our own make-believe fun. One of our "meeting places" was a large rock in the middle of our cow pasture. Perhaps that was the beginning of my lifelong love for rocks.
Now what were the chances that I would find a large boulder in a large field that was now overrun with houses? Well it took me an hour, driving through endless side streets to locate the possible spot. Once I narrowed the search to one street, I knocked on a random door in the middle of the day...tried to look "non-threatening" as I waited to tell a stranger my story. Joe and Laura Mauro not only listened to my story but welcomed me into their backyard. I could not believe the sight...there it was.. complete with the unusual small hole. Just as we had done 50 plus years ago, their children often played on the "Westtown Gang's" rock.
Laura followed me out to my car saying, "Let me get your name, in case someone else comes looking for the rock!"
Friday, June 1, 2012
I just couldn't resist sharing this one with you... perfect balance, graceful movement, quietly shouting praise to the Creator!
As the youngest child of parents who were the youngest in their families, meant that my grandparents had died before I was born. Finding a connection to them, has pulled me into the past. This is the house, sometimes called "The Old Homestead" were my mother was born and her family lived for over 130 years. We have a picture of my grandmother sitting in this same spot some 70 years ago.
The wonderful congregation of Thomas Presbyterian Church, gave me my reserved parking sign. So I decided to put it to good use. My family's gravesite is located in the Birmingham Quaker Cemetary, founded in the mid 1700's. My ashes will be buried at this spot, but I will be with the Lord for all eternity. Knowing that my future is secure, allows me to live with freedom and a sense of humor!
remembering the past
Another day on the road roaming thru Alabama. But I want to share some pictures I took while visiting my home town, West Chester, PA.
This is a water tower, built around the 1900s by a wealthy family wanting to protect their summer home from fire. Located in Westtown Township,I frequently passed by this landmark while horseback riding.
This is a water tower, built around the 1900s by a wealthy family wanting to protect their summer home from fire. Located in Westtown Township,I frequently passed by this landmark while horseback riding.
Traveled all day yesterday so no photos along the way... made my way from Clearwater FL to Bainbridge GA ...driving up the west side of Fl.
The constant along the way ? ... church buildings ... everywhere..sometimes across the 4 lane highway from each other.. nothing else in sight industry buildings just sanctuaries...
Perhaps the world doesn't need more buildings where Christians gather....but more places where Christians scatter to serve Christ by meeting human need through word and actions and sharing the good news of God's love in Jesus Christ...
The constant along the way ? ... church buildings ... everywhere..sometimes across the 4 lane highway from each other.. nothing else in sight industry buildings just sanctuaries...
Perhaps the world doesn't need more buildings where Christians gather....but more places where Christians scatter to serve Christ by meeting human need through word and actions and sharing the good news of God's love in Jesus Christ...
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